Soul catchers temptation Elena Bogatyreva. Soul catchers. Confession (49 pages). Approximate word search

The purpose of a person is a feat.

A brief conclusion from the philosophy of N.K.

Nina Anisimovna returned home disappointed. The trip turned out to be extremely tiring, the meeting with an old friend was meaningless, chaotic and therefore completely unjustified. The friend was mired in petty everyday battles with her children and grandchildren, and life outside this circle lost all meaning for her. The horizons of Nina Anisimovna’s interests extended much wider. At seventy, she watched with genuine interest how life, sometimes insinuatingly and leisurely, and sometimes lightning fast and mercilessly, changed social foundations, views, orders, ideas. She was worried about the people who would live in the distant future, where she would no longer be able to go: would they cope there without her, would they be able to distinguish good from evil?

Nina Anisimovna was completely independent of her children - a luxury that not every girl her age can afford. Of course, I had to work, this luxury took a lot of energy, but in return gave very little: the opportunity to walk with my head held high, not to bother young people with complaints about changes in health, and to fight the flu alone with the help of a jar of candied jam, which by lucky chance was lying on the shelf . Remembering her friend’s offended face and all her complaints, Nina Anisimovna just shrugged her shoulders. Why, one might ask, bother children by interfering, against their wishes, in their lives, when there are so many people around who dream that you would advise, help, or even solve their problems.

A friend lived on the outskirts of the city. On one side of the house the city lights were blinding, on the other there was a black industrial zone that bore the stupidly pompous name - Parnassus. The only means of transport here were nimble minibuses crammed with uncomfortable, wobbly seats. The line for the minibus seemed endless to Nina Anisimovna, but she didn’t have to choose, and so she, sighing, settled in at the back and immediately stepped into a deep puddle, getting her feet wet. Anyone else would have considered the day completely ruined, but Nina Anisimovna, on the contrary, decided that now she definitely had nothing more to lose, smiled and relaxed.

The queue was noisy and moving, because it consisted mainly of young people who did not know how to wait at all. The crowd swayed now to the right, now to the left and, for some unknown reason, slowly moved forward. The first minibus cut the queue by about half. There was clearly no way to get into the second, but Nina Anisimovna expected to be one of the first to sit in the third. But the third minibus arrived along with the second, and everyone, forgetting decency and remembering only the late time, rushed to the open doors.

Before Nina Anisimovna had time to come to her senses, she was carried away in a living human stream and - she guessed to duck her head in time - she was thrown onto the seat by the window. Amazed at her luck, she began to rummage through her bag, fishing out her wallet and slowly looking at her neighbors. And she literally got burned when she met the gaze of a young blond boy sitting on the right. Unpleasant look: shiny and unbalanced. “A thief,” suggested Nina Anisimovna. In fact, she was not inclined to characterize people so quickly, but Russian chanson was wheezing in the minibus, and the association emerged by itself. Nina Anisimovna, with fervent gloating, stopped clutching her purse to herself, if the thief - let him fumble: except for five rubles in the secret pocket, he will not find anything, and will lose enough time not to bother with the others. Anyone would get lost in her bag...

But the alleged thief did not pay the slightest attention to her inviting gesture, but fixed his unblinking gaze on the back of the head of the woman sitting with her back to them. “Yeah,” Nina Anisimovna became interested. - So, not a thief, but a lover. They sometimes have the same sparkle in their eyes...” She tried to look at the woman, leaning more than she should on turns, both to the right and to the left, but she saw only an ordinary light jacket and a light scarf escaping from under the collar.

When she was quite fed up with her own curiosity, the woman turned around, asked the driver to slow down before the intersection, and Nina Anisimovna quietly gasped. She expected to see a pretty girl, and the woman was about fifty. Before she had time to come to her senses, the car stopped and the woman got out, heading towards the poorly lit square, and after her, having crushed Nina Anisimovna’s leg in a hurry, a young man jumped out.

Nina Anisimovna spent almost a whole day without sleep at Martha's bedside. The doctor came rarely, hiding his eyes. The young sister looked guilty. All this looked like a sentence. She probably had to constantly turn to God or read prayers, but she had neither absolute faith nor confidence that this would help...

She lived too long of a life. There were happy moments in it when, without even raising your head, you could say with confidence that whole flocks of angels were soaring in the sky, for what else but their singing filled life with universal joy and great meaning. But there were hours, days and whole weeks in her life when she myopically peered into the veil of clouds or, on the contrary, into the blue of popular prints filled with the sparkling sun, and realized: the sky is empty. There is no higher meaning in everything that was happening; only unceremonious injustice ruled everything. All calls were in vain, and my heart gave out...

Now, only her own heart protected her from despair, which did not want to put up with either the obvious or the inevitable. The heart where a ghostly hope lurks and is the last to die. And she had nothing more to offer Martha.

She placed a large chair next to her bed and held her hand for an eternity, trying to find the only words that could help her return.

And suddenly it seemed to her...

Downstairs, in the emergency room, a five-year-old girl was crying. She was vaccinated in kindergarten, and in the evening her temperature rose - thirty-nine and nine. And my head hurt a lot. And at the injection site a huge red lump swelled up. Mom was confused and brought her to the nearest hospital. But it turned out that this hospital is only for adults, and you need to go to a completely different one, very far away. They were promised a car, but the car did not arrive for too long, and the girl cried all this time, clasping her mother’s neck with her arms and pressing her hot cheek to her cheek. She didn’t want to part with her mother... And her head hurt very much...

An ambulance drove into the yard. The young girl jumped out of the cabin and headed towards the entrance. She was in a great mood. Practice was ending, the girls were waiting upstairs, and today, finally, they will gather with all their cheerful company. The driver kept telling jokes all the way, and now it was as if she had a laugh in her mouth - she was ready to laugh at every occasion and even without it. Halfway to the hospital building, she slowed down. A strange old man wandered under the windows and muttered something under his breath. The girl listened and covered her mouth with her hands so as not to burst into laughter.

“My girl,” the old man whispered, “my dear girl...”

It seemed to Nina Anisimovna that a light breeze almost imperceptibly swept through the ward. The curtains swayed barely noticeably. The sheet of paper on the table fluttered slightly. She shook her head. Is it really the consequences of a sleepless night? I looked around. The windows are closed, and so is the door. But the air wave passed again. This time it is clearly noticeable. “This cannot be,” Nina Anisimovna said to herself, “but if I had a candle in my hands, it would undoubtedly go out... And that means... He has come!”

With an unsteady gait, being in great excitement, she walked to the door and looked out into the corridor. There was no one there. Only from the nurses' room could the cheerful laughter of the trainees be heard...

“...and downstairs, right at our entrance,” the little girl said, laughing, “a grandfather walks and mutters: “My girl, my dear...”

“I imagine his little girl,” another giggled in response. - So cute, wrinkled and grumpy!

Or maybe he is the one for his granddaughter? - the third responded.

“Oh, dear mommy,” the fourth one realized. - There’s a girl downstairs with a fever! I promised them transport...

The mother cried with the girl. She also did not want to part with her daughter. She imagined her alone, on a hospital bed, without her beloved teddy bear and burst into tears. And they still didn’t give me a car. Did they forget about them there, or what? Mom didn’t even notice when her daughter stopped crying.

Mommy, let's go home. - The girl unclenched her hands, got off her mother’s lap and pulled her hand.

What are you, stupid, we're going to the hospital now.

I don’t want to go to the hospital, I’m already over it.

“Afraid, my little one,” my mother thought sadly.

It can’t go by that quickly,” she told the girl through her tears, again sat her down on her lap and hugged her.

But it passed for me,” the girl did not give up and struggled. - Let's go to!

The mother felt her daughter's forehead. Either the fever has subsided, or she just doesn’t feel it anymore...

And your head doesn't hurt? - she asked the girl.

She shook her curly head:

Does not hurt.

Mom turned the girl’s back and lifted her sweater. There was no trace under the shoulder blade, where a large red spot had blurred half an hour ago.

How is this possible? - Mom whispered joyfully, taking the girl out of the hospital. - It happened and passed.

Such a good breeze came,” her daughter explained to her, “and cured...

Nina Anisimovna looked out the window. The first thing she saw was a woman walking along the illuminated road. A little girl trotted next to her. Suddenly they held hands and spun around like two girlfriends...

Below, under the windows of the hospital, the lights were not on. And Nina Anisimovna peered into the darkness for a long time until she noticed a dark silhouette... She wanted to climb onto the windowsill, open the window and shout: “We are here.” But then I thought: “He knows, otherwise he wouldn’t have come…”

She raised her hand and waved to the one who was wandering in the dark...

A few minutes later she was already asleep in the chair next to Martha's bed. And her sleep was surprisingly calm, for the first time in recent days...

* * *

"Confession" is the first book in Elena Bogatyreva's trilogy "Soul Catchers"

Readers can expect new encounters with their favorite characters in the second book of the series, “Test,” and the third, “Temptation.”

Book 1. Soul Catchers. Confession

Book 2. Soul Catchers. Trial

Book 3. Soul Catchers. Temptation

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Alexander Mazin, Anna Gurova, Pavel Mamontov, Olga Kokhanenko, Alexey Butsaylo

Soul Catchers

© Alexander Mazin, text, 2019

© Pavel Mamontov, text, 2019

© Olga Kokhanenko, text, 2019

© Alexey Butsaylo, text, 2019

© Anna Gurova, text, 2019

© Mikhail Emelyanov, ill., 2019

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2019

Alexander Mazin. Sage

Brown sat on the bench, closing his eyes. But I still saw the table, and the cup with the potion, and my fingerless hand on the black tabletop. And if I hadn’t seen it...

Black walls, black hands, black potion... Everything is black.

Always black. The Black Hut, where he lived as a boy. Black cracked logs, black, tufted moss.

This is the way. Such glory. Black.

Did he regret it? No. Now there is no.

Someone must stand between Reality and Navy. It's hard, but it's good. And it’s nice to know that you are not a blasphemous sorcerer, a mutterer of spells, or a brewer of potions. When you are yourself. When you are Brown.

Good luck to Dedka, who had gone beyond the Edge, for spotting him among the others and not destroying him: he sculpted him, forged him, like one forges a sword from swamp ore.

Brown smiled. He rarely smiled. And whoever saw his smile did not smile back - shuddered. But how can you help but smile? Everything is black, and he is Brown.

I remembered something a while ago. The way he was sold as a boy to a terrible sorcerer...

Chapter first

The old man and the sorcerer dressed up not in the courtyard, outside the gate. And Malets stood right there. I didn't understand anything. I didn’t understand: why with a guest - on the street?

But dad knew, or rather, thought he knew. There is a stinking belief: whoever lets a sorcerer into his yard will bring disaster.

He knew, he didn’t know, but as Malets Dedka saw, his heart sank. He was so frightened that he pulled the little hand out of daddy’s palm and would have given it a go, but he was caught by his hair. Caught and pushed forward.

Oh and scary Dedko. He’s stooped, his hands are not sweeping the ground, his hair is like bear hair, his face is like a pancake. The terrible amulets make my neck bend. Okay, stranger! And the eyes! A purely squinted eagle owl. In people such can not be…

- This? – Dad slapped Malts on the back of the head.

“Uh-huh,” the stranger creaked. - An agreement?

In his palm, as hard as dry earth, silver flashed.

“An agreement,” Dad breathed hoarsely, accepted the coins, looked at them suspiciously: they seemed real. Not witchcraft.

- Or maybe you’ll take someone else? - he asked. - This is my sixth, but not the last. Maybe another girl? Up to a couple?

“No, man, I need this...” and, hesitating, asked: “Don’t you feel sorry for your son?”

- Why regret? - Old Man frowned. - Still, one will die during the winter. Maybe he’s just... Take it, listen! “He pushed the Boy forward, and immediately a clawed paw, missing two fingers, closed his skinny little hand.

- Yes, at least you won’t kill him? - Dad suddenly became worried.

And he immediately became embarrassed. Already sold...

“We’ll see,” muttered Dedko. - Maybe he will survive.

The boy resisted, his bare feet crawled on the wet grass, but the sorcerer didn’t seem to notice. I walked and walked.

- Well then, okay! - the dad shouted after him and returned to the yard.

The boy stopped resisting, resigned himself and trotted alongside him, half-stepping, half-running. Only once, before turning, did he look back, absorbing with his eyes what was familiar: a crooked picket fence with a narrow gate, patches of vegetable gardens, yellow fields further away, a dozen sheep, each of which he knew by name, his younger brother Nishka, looking after him with his mouth open...

I looked and cried.

They walked for a long time. All day. Meadows, forest, swamp. First in a familiar forest, then in a strange thicket. Such that you can’t see the sky at all.

The alien forest whispered and grumbled, pressed and confused, touched the back of my head with the paws of the curling undead.

Dedko had long ago let go of his hand, but Malets had no thought of running away. I kept up with Dedka with all my might. Mokoshev clutched a charm in his hand: a charmed hare bone, and moved his lips incessantly: he asked for protection. Out loud - I was afraid. Dedko will hear and may get angry. People like him follow Kromka. They have their own gods.

Or maybe he is now beyond the Edge?

From this thought, Malets covered himself in sweat and froze in horror...

But then I came to my senses. He saw a stooped back in a dirty white fur vest walking away, and realized: they were in Navi or Yavi, and Dedko was now his only protection.

By evening Malets was completely exhausted. So tired that even the fear disappeared somewhere.

Although it is clear where. He is now Dedkin. And Dedko in the forest is like a woman in her hut. And paths open up for him, and evil spirits and undead run away from him like mice from a broom.

And when we got up to rest, Malts felt completely good. Dedko fed him, and richly. He gave me honey cakes, smoked meat, and even some mash to sip.

The boy became cheerful from the brew. It must have been no ordinary brew, because cheerfulness came from it, and the Kid ran after Dedka easily, like a fawn after its mother.

We reached Dedkina's hut after midnight.

The hut did not appear to Malts. Leaning on the outside, but empty and black on the inside.

I didn't want to go inside at all. It seemed scarier inside than in the forest.

Dedko grunted with displeasure, grabbed him by the hand, pulled him into the hut, pushed him onto a bench, closed the door, went to the stove, and started a fire.

This is what a sorcerer-sorcerer means. Not afraid of gods at all. The home fire itself creates. People have summer fire in their houses. Real. And if it fades due to sluggishness, they will take it from their own. Same.

And God’s blessing is nothing for this.

“Burn, burn hot, don’t mind the wood,” the sorcerer grumbled and hummed. - From moss to splinter, from splinter to twig, from twig to wood, get excited, don’t hesitate!

And it caught fire. Amazingly fast. Apparently, from a witchcraft spell.

The big fire made Dedko warm the little one too. Yes, not a splinter, but a copper bowl filled with fat with an even wick. He put it on the table and sat down opposite. So that there is fire between them. He poured out the remains of the travel food and a wineskin with mash onto the table. He gurgled into the cup and pushed it towards Maltsa.

He didn't refuse. Who would refuse a brew, and such a fragrant and sweet one at that?

Moreover, no one had given Malts beer before. Just smell it.

- Do you know who I am?

“Sorcerer,” muttered the Male.

“Sage,” Dedko corrected sternly. “Aren’t you afraid that I’ll eat you?”

Dedko laughed:

- How do you know?

- I know! – His laughter perked up the boy slightly. - There is tea for the eyes.

He impudently grabbed a piece of flatbread from the table. Chewed it with a crunch.

“I see that there is...” Dedko creaked. - But that’s for now.

The boy froze. Crumbs were spilling out of my mouth. I got scared.

I thought to myself: who would spoil a bought slave?

Did not help. Fear came, my stomach was twisting. I didn't feel like eating at all.

Dedko got up from the table, went to the stove, fidgeted there, preparing something. The boy didn't see that. But definitely not food.

Dedko was squatting with his back to Malts, and he, having made up his mind, stood up and slowly moved towards the door. It’s scary in a foreign forest, but here it’s even scarier. He's in the forest somehow. Gray, too much for him, won’t eat it, but Malts has a secret sign against evil spirits. The older brothers showed. And here is an abyss.

- Sit back! - a shout lashed out. - Rezov! Sat down, said! I can see your back!

The boy hurriedly returned to the bench.

“And remember,” Dedko continued. “I won’t start talking suddenly: I’ll turn you into crayfish and throw you into boiling water.” And then I'll eat.

“You promised your dad not to kill...” Malets timidly reminded.

- What do I need about your dad? – Dedko grinned. - I can kill your dad too! - And, getting up, he took the belt off the wall.

-Are you going to fight? – the boy asked in fear.

- Rip? Hmmm... Your dad and mom were beating you up. And if you spoil me, I’ll take a knife and cut these straps from your back and hang them on a twig. You won't be spoiled. Without eyes...

- What? – Malets was more surprised than frightened.

And then the sorcerer deftly knocked him over onto the bench, pressed him with his knee and tied him with a belt. Firmly. Even my forehead was affected.

He tied him up, took the knife and stuck it in the fire.

Squinting his eyes, Malets saw how the curved tip was gradually filling with red.

“Are you really going to poke my eyes out?” - Malets guessed. - Oh, no need, dear grandfather!

- Necessary. – The sorcerer looked at the knife.

Deciding that it had become hot enough, he took the blade out of the fire and approached the boy.

- Oh, grandfather, kind, good! I won't run! Oh, no need!!! – Malets screamed heart-rendingly.

- No need, sir? – The red-hot tip of the knife, emitting heat, froze at the bridge of the nose.

The boy stopped tearing and froze, looking at the red sting with squinted eyes.

- Well done! – the sorcerer unexpectedly approved. And he moved the knife away from his face. “If you don’t cry, I won’t cut you.” But your eyes still need to be re-lit. Painfully bright and blue. I don't need those. - He paused. Then he continued: “It will hurt you.” And if you scream or cry, you will be blind. Do you understand?

The boy didn't answer.

The boy blinked, unable to utter a word. It turned white, like skim milk.

Dedko threw the knife on the table, stepped towards the stove, and took the pot.

- Do not shout! – reminded again. - Not like that - without eyes!

And, scooping up the viscous dirty-brown mess, he suddenly plopped it onto Malts’s eyes with a flourish.

Something very strange is happening behind the multi-meter concrete walls of the military space base on the planet Zolotar. Either the natives suddenly, for no apparent reason, raise an armed rebellion against the garrison, then the “dearly beloved” higher command, instead of quick reinforcements, unreasonably stalls for time and, in the end, sends an unfired battalion led by a meticulous and extremely curious officer...

And also this series of mysterious ritual murders, which make even experienced veterans of the Space Infantry go weak in the knees...

And Captain Yaroslavtsev will have to deal with all this heap of problems, because it’s not for nothing that he is the commander of one of the best combat units in Outland.

Contains obscene language.

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    Adventure, Adventure, Romance Novels, Romance-Fiction Novels

    When she woke up in an unfamiliar place, the sorcerer said that she had only returned to her body. But what about a life lived in a completely different world? Before Selena had time to deal with this, she felt a calling. Now her road lies through the ruined lands called the Chaos Belt. She has no choice. Either she will meet the one who is destined for her by magic itself, or death awaits her. Selena knows that this man is her guardian. But is he really a person?

  • Treat for the Bear
    Ledovskaya Svetlana
    Romance Novels, Erotica, Romance-Fiction Novels

    What should a girl do if she is being persecuted and wants to make her a slave? Run and hide. In this hostile world, where you are prey, you need a knife and a strong man. I have a weapon. And in cold space I met someone whose sight makes my heart beat faster. The gloomy captain of an alien ship may be the one I was running from. I don't want to have an owner. And he’s not at all ready for someone like me. The two of us will have to change plans.

  • Lady Servant [IM Samizdat “Phantom Worlds”]
    Strelnikova Kira
    Romance Novels, Contemporary Romance Novels, Erotica, Romance-Fiction Novels

    Maid of two masters.

    I went to wash myself and came out of my own bathroom in another world - you say it doesn’t happen? And to become a servant in the house of rich lords, who also hold important positions in the state apparatus of the country, and on top of that, powerful magicians and... excellent psychologists?

    I hate change, I have a disgusting character, I am a confirmed bachelor, but it seems that this does not scare my owners in the least. They are determined to make me... who? For starters, it seems like a real woman. So what is next?..

    Attention: MFM, 18+

    Lady of two lords.

    Is it easy to be a lady? On the one hand, yes - receptions, outfits, decorations, dancing. On the other hand... Intrigue, envy, rules of etiquette and politeness - despite the fact that I am by birth an ordinary modern woman who accidentally ended up in another world through a wandering portal. I was lucky, indeed, to go from a maid to a lady of high society, but what next? We must comply with the situation, and not hide behind every difficulty with the names of my lords, who already have enough worries. What lies ahead is work in a new place and the continuation of the investigation into the conspiracy against the crown. Well, mastering the difficult science of being a lady...

    Attention: MFM, 18+

Set “From Vacation” - top leaders of the month!

  • Stone. Book 2 (SI)
    Minin Stanislav
    Science Fiction, Alternate History, Action Fiction, Fantasy, Ancient, Ancient Literature,

    He dreamed of becoming a military man, like everyone else in the family of the Pozharsky princes, but fate decreed differently, endowing him with unique capabilities in defense and leaving him without the ability to attack. What will he choose - a quiet life and study at the University, or service in the Separate Corps of Gendarmes?

    Continuation of the adventures of Alexei Pozharsky.

  • Pangea welcomes you
    Stern Olivia
    Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance Novels, Romance-Fiction Novels

    Abstract to the book "His Princess"

    Zlata ran away from her husband and now lives on the outskirts of a village forgotten by the gods. She hopes

    that someday her husband will forget about her, stop searching, and then she can start a new one


    But one day, while going for brushwood, Zlata finds a completely naked man in the snow.

    Maybe we should just pass by?..

    Attention! The story is not sunny, but in the end everyone will get what they deserve. Ledentsovs

    There are no virgins or bossy ones.

    Prehistory of the novel in the book "Lady of the Wasteland"

  • True for Griffin
    Knight Alex
    Romance Novels, Contemporary Romance Novels, Short Romance Novels, Romance-Fiction Novels

    In my world, I was a cripple, slowly dying. But chance took me to another world. The magic of this world returned strength to my weak body. But I lost my freedom. It turned out that I was outlawed without the seal of the overlord. I was sold to a brothel where an auction for my virginity was to take place. But I was bought by a man who became my true mate. A two-faced griffin who hated me because I was human.

    Narration from the perspective of several characters.

    #gradually emerging feelings

    #from hatred to love

    #mystery and intrigue #adventure and magic

    #cruelty and violence #life's difficulties and trials

  • Newhall_Beaumont_The_History_of_Photography_1

    Science fiction, Action fiction, Heroic fiction, Cyberpunk, Space fiction, Humorous fiction,